Quest for Youth on track to Perform

Quest for Youth 2012 continues to roll along with its grass-rootsy / youths / community input from education sectors across Ontario continue to be added to the showcase event which is happening this Nov 14 at 1:45 pm at Markham's Renaissance Hotel in front of an audience of up to 900. Gulp. Plus it's live to tape.Double gulp.
Luther Hansraj quet For Youth 2012 performance Producer

I'm lucky in that the portion I'm contributing will be shot on video. I was asked to write something that connects to schools and the community at large involving marginalization at some level so I chose a feature on troubled youths and escapism through road hockey. It's a pretty simplified summary but suffice to say it had to have elements from true to life situations that could be interpreted in a number of ways but always staying true to the core basis of reality through the telling.

Anyway I got a glimpse of my potential 'Billy character", although hes not a lock for the part, but he seems a good kid if not perhaps a tad young for what I had in mind. Throw a 70's wig on him to ruff him up a bit and who knows.Ha.

It's not going to be as easy as these guys think and I'm dealing with people that wouldn't know a master shot from a close-up but we'll get through it...and in the end as long as I get all my shots we're good to go.

I've seen smatterings of the other elements and don't envy Producer Luther having to mix it all together but he's going to have to trust my artistic touch a little more than he has to date, although perhaps he's just trying to instill into me his vision of the "style" he wants - but regardless of the style you still need all the shots. For example he wants some scenes shot out of focus. That's great if you're using a manual focus camera but we may not be. The bells and whistles and special effects with blurring images etc can be added later in post production editing but being a Stage Producer he wouldn't necessarily know that, and therein lies the occasional clash thus far.Ha. Nothing I / we can't handle though because in the end its written artsy already and should fit the scheme they asked for.
Kim will bring a touch of aboriginal to the Youth Quest

I can't wait to see how he meshes all the other elements into it like the dancers and youth singers and aboriginal speakers/drummers and live band but hey, that's out of my concern! Ha..! This will be an interesting show to say the least!.

I was also able to connect youthful phenoms Daniel Mendez Band with the show so look for Luther to utilize them throughout the show.

Here's a short excerpt from "Shoots, Scores

Video continues in Black & White

Ext: Street or driveway 4:30 pm. Billy boy plays hockey with friends.

Audio : V.O. Sports Announcer: ala Foster Hewitt:

Cornouyer shoots the puck in the corner right in front Esposito takes a wild

stab at it! Rebound, right in front Henderson he scores! Henderson has

scored for Canada!

V.O. Crowd:


Billy is jumping around celebrating scoring with friends fading to

celebrating alone. It’s darker out. 6 or 7 pm Streetlights come /are on.


Still jumping:


Slowly makes his way towards home .

Voices can be heard of parents arguing:.

VO: Woman’s Voice:

Go on and have another one! (pause) If it wasn’t for these damp kids I’d

of been gone long ago!

V.O. Father’s voice:

Yea well you go right ahead then! Billy! You get in this house


C.U. of Billy’s face – concerned / troubled look

C.U. Hand on doorknob hesitates, jolts as the word NOW is yelled.

Scene Fades

Tom out!