Down East Charm @ The Sociable Pub
Sociable Pub - 17380 Yonge St. Newmarket, Ontario, Canada - 905-235-7782 |
I first caught inklings that the
Sociable Pub could be
some good when I read a few positive
postings online about them. Through research, I discovered the "he" of the husband / wife owner duo,
Lenny Ochiogrosso, had been the long time (over 20 years) manager of
Archibald's Pub in Richmond Hill
before coming out of "retirement" and taking on the
Sociable Pub in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, along with his Darmouth, Nova Scotia born wife,
Lynne Ochiogrosso-Gallant . Experience and a natural at hospitality, "Lord tunderin' by, this may just work" was my first thought.

particular location itself has a long local history as firstly a
protected heritage building, and secondary for businesses, so any
proprietor must respect the heritage conservation regarding any
construction or structural changes made and all changes
need approval. Operators have had to make work the existing design with
minimal changes over the years, since first refurbished, which all adds
character in the end. The result is a beautifully kept, old, estate home,
set up to be a functional business. It just needed the right keepers.
The first to open in the location after it was restored in the 90's was as a
"Just Deserts" franchise. I recall reviewing them on our local
Rogers TV show, "
Out & About" , I once Co-Produced and Co-Hosted featuring the local dining and
entertainment scene. They had had such beautiful wood beams with
gorgeous hardwood flooring then, not as shiny today perhaps, but still
very much the same two-level design and charm. The upstairs now is
mostly for larger groups I believe, and down features a bar and more
seating with live ambiance performers on the weekends all wrapped in a
down east cuisine that includes lobster rolls and
P.E.I. mussels. My recent stop there left me drooling for more, but I'll get back to that...and the seafood!
Just Deserts did not last, in fact around that same time a girl named
Vivi Lemonis was shot accidentally while eating at a
Toronto Just Deserts
location, killing the brand as well at the time - although that
certainly wasn't the only reason they didn't survive as the location
was always too big for...well...
just deserts! Even after their
departure, a number of entities have tried their hat over the years with
no one really managing to have it running as it should be -
functional and successful. Most struggled such as in more recent years
Big Chris BBQ and before that
came closest but never seemed to master the hospitality side and
seemed bent on in-your-face bands, too often, too loud for the location.
Did you know on the East Coast that yelling out Sociable!...Is like calling out Cheers!? |
The Centre of the Universe

also is / was the trend of late that some clubs and restaurants - many
in the area - follow is this process where they have
few regular clients,
but instead rely on the acts bringing all the patrons in on their
designated nights as the place's main / only crowd. It always has to be
a collaborative effort between artists and owners / managers / staff to
maximize attendance but far too often now a days the onus would be on
the entertainment alone, with no effort to build their own regular
clientele or do much in or out house advertising - like we did in the
old days.

I recall walking into
Orleans at times during non-band hours and
it was like a morgue. No house music - live or canned - no
people, no greeters during
open hours, just no atmosphere or
warmth. And then consistency - one week
entertainment the next not - or the same rotation of bands
alongside unspectacular, inconsistent food. And it just didn't feel
The Sociable Pub Experience
Some Good Seafood House |
best to check out a place without them knowing when you plan a review
or blog to really get a taste of how a real patron would feel, so I
arrived with no reservation to an almost full restaurant - save one
reserved four-top and a couple spots on the bar which I really didn't
feel like doing. As I stood puzzling my choices, I was immediately
greeted and given my options - bar and eat, or wait for an
opening, or if perhaps the now late reservation doesn't show I could
wait and see about that. Finally, after standing in idle while watching
steaming dishes of food like their garlic shrimps, looking a nice
count size and screaming out my name, I chose sitting at the bar, half
expecting to get sloughed off but still hopeful. Although dressed with a
suit and tie, I was comfy with the casual dressy style most
patrons seemed to be wearing.
Shortly thereafter I was approached about a beverage and I asked about a
on tap ( Hey man, I'm out of touch on beer ok!) which they did not
have but the attentive barkeep knew a similar on-tap alternative which
was actually quite suitable. The waitress could see me as she punched
orders in, my corner bar seat overlooking her terminal, my face
conveying complete patience and understanding and lo and behold shortly
into my beer I guess they gave her the okay to give me that table
which just happened to be right beside the solo performer entertainer
and it could not have been a better spot. No wonder they
had reserved it. Cool. Their loss, my gain!
I'd pretty much assumed correctly, that the hands-on owner was that
knowledgeable friendly barkeep, and later was informed that his
wife and partner was also working the floor. In other words, these are
hands-on owners who have obviously taught their staff about the
most important
element in the industry, hospitality! Seems a simple thing I know, but
so often it is the missing critical element from staff, particularly in
Newmarket I've observed over the years, who have either simply not been
trained to do it
always, or just don't care to. "What can I
get ya?" just doesn't cut it. I suspect with this couple it comes
naturally, with the fairer half hailing from Canada's east coast
originally where they are renowned world-wide for their hospitable
nature...and delectable seafood dishes!

Shortly thereafter, as the evening's live ambient Singer / guitarist, entertainer,
Bill Nadeau, began
performing his first numbers, some cool jazzy and bluesy
instrumentals, as my waitress who was holding up great even though my
experience could see a little of that "deer in the headlights look" with
a full and busy restaurant, took my order - I'd chosen PEI
mussels, knowing the
Down Home style theme of the
restaurant....and they didn't disappoint. Plump, tender, plucked easily -
like snapping daisy heads - from the wide open shells, the now
separated mussels, left swimming in a white broth infused with fresh
herbs and served with
TSB's unique garlic toast, while my
discarded shells filled its accompanying extra bowl brought for just
that! If I could change anything it would be that I'd personally prefer
just plain crusty fresh bread to soak up the delicious broth
unimpeded by the crispy garlic toast flavours and worth absorbing all on
their own.
It was Some good Mmmmmmmmaritime!
A woman from a larger birthday party at the tables next, approached me
about my extra chairs at some point, easily able to still chat, with the
guitar player pouring out some
Peter Gabriel, Elton John and
David Wilcox among tunage. This is why I call it
live ambiance, because it's there, but not overpowering - something that
experience, from years in the business with
Archibald's in Richmond Hill, brings.
With the
Sociable Pub, I see a smart, live light entertainment setup
that's affordable for the house - with often a
solo performer. Duos and Trios would probably work nicely as well but the performers aren't necessarily the evening's main
focus, although enjoyed immensely and an integral part of the experience, but it's
the hospitality and the food that are the stars.
And that is the key.
I must say it is an absolute pleasure to know that the new operators
at now The Sociable Pub, Lenny Ochiogrosso and wife Lynne Gallant bring
great down home hospitality, food and experience to the location. They
understand the simple formula for success, I feel, and for that reason can
likely remain as hosts of that historic location for as long as they
As Lenny informed me, " We hoped to open a place for a certain older
age group, so they wouldn't have to leave town to enjoy a night out. A
place we'd like to go to"
That my friends is as close to my philosophy on hospitality as I've heard in some time.
Sitting at my perch, I could easily observe how the staff were handling
the overflow, always seemingly able to greet before an exasperated,
confused, "what next?" expression could envelope them. I look forward to
a more detailed in-depth taste and
Tom's Top 10 review of
The Sociable Pub whose
menu is unique, not too complex - from Scot-Irish traditional stews to Nova Scotia Lobster / Seafood, to
P.E.I. delectables...
Delicious and down-home sounding!
Next on my wish-taste-list will be their crab rolls followed closely by the crab fritters!
I'll see YOU...out there! - Watch Bill Nadeau recorded live from The Sociable Pub Here